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Without our partners, the festival would not be possible.
BIG THANKS to them for their efforts to make it a success year after year!
Go check out their websites and services.

SIGNCREW is a dynamic advertising company that can rely on years of experience in the sign industry and has grown into a reliable partner for customers all over Belgium.

Let the magic happen


It is our mission and strong belief that the magic of live events touches people into their deepest emotions and unites them in a powerful collective vibe the world needs to be a good place.

Minten construction company is run by 2 brothers, Jef and Rik. Both are also active on the shop floor to follow up the current construction sites from A to Z

Agricultural machinery repair, ect.

Record store in new and second-hand vinyl, specialized in alternative music, with a very large offer Stoner & Psych.


Koning Albertstraat 72a,

Diest, Belgium​

With "Het Nijswolkje" we want to be a self-sufficient farm. In this way we try to limit our ecological footprint. Our breeds are deliberately authentic Belgian dairy sheep. We get their spelled, wheat, fodder beans, lucerne, clover, maize and power foods from our own cultivation.

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Taste Floral at the festival ground!

Provide everyone with the right work clothes and accessories, so that everyone is ready for any work, all day long! And by everyone we really mean everyone! From young to old. From thick to thin.


With us, everyone should feel good, so that they feel comfortable when trying on work clothes or safety shoes.


For a friendly smile, a joke and a heartfelt 'thank you', JOBiTEX is the right place for you!



Jasmina & Hans

Open your mind, arms and heart to new things and people – The Holstee Manifesto


We are your guest couple at Pluimpapaver Hotel & Glamping. Jasmina is often the first person you come into contact with at the Pluimpapaver. She also stirs the pots for you. Hans is up early for breakfast and provides the service in the Greenhouse.

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